Opportunity – One on One Meetings with Reinmetall

December 10, 2015

Dear GMC/ENG Member,

Please find an invitation to a briefing by Rheimetall and opportunity to meet one on one with the company.

We understand the briefing will be on Thursday, December 17 from 9.30am to 10.30am and one on ones following that.

If you are currently involved in defence or considering opportunities to become involved you are encouraged to consider attending.

Please find event information below and supplier information details attached.

Supplier Information / Event Information

Best regards

David Peart
Chief Executive Officer
Geelong Manufacturing Council
P.O.Box 638
email:  [email protected]
ph 5223 2999 mobile 0417368351

Dear All,You may already be aware of the following opportunity.

Rheinmetall is planning the second phase of a national roadshow aimed at assessing and meeting SMEs and companies who are interested in joining the Rheinmetall global supply chain or working with them on the Land 400 bid. Executives from Rheinmetall will hold a briefing in Geelong on Thursday December 17, between 9:30 and 12 noon at the Novotel, 10-14 Eastern Beach Road, Geelong Waterfront  and you are invited to attend.

The Victorian Defence Procurement Office (VDPO) is assisting with this briefing and will coordinate one to one sessions with the Rheinmetall executives. These sessions will be 10 minutes in duration and will be an excellent opportunity to communicate your businesses key capabilities to a global defence prime contractor. If you would like to register for a one to one session please RSVP to me by COB Tuesday, places are limited.

Please find attached:

·  Details on the types of products Rheinmetall are seeking as part of supply for Land 400 but also as a
precursor to broader discussions about accessing Rheinmetall’s global supply chain.
·  Flyer about the briefing with time and date and contact details for RSVPs.
·  Supplier Information Form – This should be completed and brought to the one to one session if



Hugh Gorman
| Investment Specialist | Victorian Defence Procurement Office |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
na1.017, Geelong Technology Precinct, Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus, Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, Victoria Australia 3216
P: +61 (0) 427 157984 | E: [email protected] | W:www.economicdevelopment.vic.gov.au