Point Henry 575:   What is your vision?

December 17, 2015


Please find listed below important information on the Point Henry 575 Launch which was held on Monday, December 7th, 2015. Alcoa has launched a community consultation process. The future of Alcoa’s 575 hectares of freehold land is a significant opportunity for the Geelong region. Please find details below. Regards

David Peart
Chief Executive Officer
Geelong Manufacturing Council


The Point Henry 575 Launch was held on Monday, December 7th, 2015. As was emphasised at the event, the future of Alcoa’s 575 hectares of freehold land is a significant opportunity for the Geelong region and Alcoa is both excited and proud to seek input from the community.   The launch event marked the beginning of our community engagement process, which will help Alcoa develop a Shared Vision and guiding principles to inform the creation of the Point Henry 575 Master Plan.    So now it’s over to you – we need you to tell us what you think about Point Henry 575. What is your vision?     Here’s how you can join the conversation:   Website: www.alcoa.com.au/pointhenry Our website is the Point Henry 575 conversation hub.  Visit the website to share your thoughts and opinions on the future of Point Henry 575 using the virtual brainstorming tools and discussion forums. You’ll find the post-it ideas from our launch have been added to spark further conversations.  We’d also love you register to receive updates about the community’s feedback as the project progresses.   Workshops In February 2016, we will host multiple stakeholder workshops to provide a broad range of community members the opportunity to express their views.  We will be back in touch in early 2016 with your invitation to a workshop and look forward to your participation.   Listening Posts Our first Listening Post is being held at Newcomb Shopping Centre on Thursday 17 December.  We will be located outside Safeway between 10am and 3pm and look forward to hearing the views of the local community.  More dates and venues for future Listening Posts will be listed on our website.

Best regards


Kate Betts
Senior Communications & Engagement Advisor Asset Planning & Management
Eastern Australia
Alcoa of Australia Limited
t +61 3 5245 1406  m +61 (0) 400 209 497
PO Box 460, Geelong, Victoria 3220