Accolades continue for geopolymer and fibre composite pedestrian bridges developed in a collaboration between GMC members Austeng and Deakin University, and including partners Rocla and Ironmat. The bridges were recognised with three awards and a commendation from the Institute of Public Works Engineers Australasia recently.
The bridges won the Excellence in Public Works Project $0-$2M, Excellence in Environmental Sustainability, and Excellence in Innovation – Regional categories, as well as a commendation in Excellence in Asset management.
City of Greater Geelong used a Procurement of Innovation process developed through Cleantech Innovations Geelong, a GMC and city collaboration, to tender for design and manufacture of a pedestrian bridge with zero maintenance over its 100+ year life. The bridges incorporate innovative and sustainable materials, an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over concrete during manufacture and end of life recyclability.
Following the success of the initial project, which delivered two maintenance free pedestrian bridges, City of Greater Geelong has committed to invest in a third bridge.
Image: Austeng