GMC welcomes Industry Minister to Geelong

February 21, 2024

The Victorian Minister for Jobs and Industry, the Hon. Natalie Hutchins, joined GMC’s CEO last week for a manufacturing discussion and tour of leading manufacturer, Hanlon Industries.

GMC member Hanlon’s is shaking up gender ratios in the steel manufacturing industry.

“We’re really conscious of being an employer of choice and opening ourselves up to all the opportunities that diversity brings us — to be more innovative as an employer, and getting more ideas from a more diverse group of people,” Joint CEO, Elly Hanlon said.

Minister Hutchins, who is also Minister for Women and Minister for Treaty and First Peoples, was joined by local Member for Lara, Ella George MP.

“The Minister was very engaged in the open forum conversations on industry challenges and opportunities,” GMC CEO Jennifer Conley said. “Was a fantastic visit and we have invited her to come back.”

Hanlon’s is a fast expanding family-owned business, headquartered in Corio. With operations in Victoria, NSW and Queensland, the company employs 160 people, training 26 apprentices, including five female apprentices.



Minister for Jobs and Industry, the Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP, met with two of Hanlon’s 26 apprentices during her visit. From left, Minister Hutchins, Ella George MP, Rachel Rider, Joint CEO Elly Hanlon, Ella Partington, GMC CEO Jenn Conley and Joint CEO Tom Hanlon.